Alexia Pfister Fights Off COVID-19 Her Senior Year

Lily Pfister, Staff Writer

Senior class president, varsity softball player, and basketball manager Alexia Pfister is taking on Covid-19 during her senior year. Alexia says that her senior year isn’t exactly how she pictured it. “I pictured my senior year being full of going to extracurricular activities and spending every night with my friends. I hope that towards the end of this year, we can make activities for the senior class so we can still have some of our senior year.” Through all of covid, Pfister has gotten many things taken away from her. “This year, I was looking forward to going to dances and having massive student sections at games. It’s extremely difficult because my senior softball season is on the line, as well as senior prom, and I know those experiences have been taken away from more than just me. Covid-19 is affecting our whole senior class.” Being class president hasn’t always been an easy run either, “It has been super hard to work around all of the covid protocols and not be able to have the whole student body together. I hope that next year there can be some sense of normalcy for the student body.” With that said, Lexi would like to leave you with this. “It might be stormy now, but it doesn’t rain forever.”